The former Notre Dame coach referenced Hitler while making a point about good and bad leadership during a discussion of the struggles of first-year Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez.
“Last night while trying to make a point about leadership, I made an unfortunate reference,” Holtz said. “It was a mistake and I sincerely apologize.”
An ESPN spokesman said Holtz will not be further disciplined.
After Michigan lost 46-17 at Penn State, Rodriguez said he had not heard about what Holtz said. When told, he said, “What is the correlation there? I don’t know what his correlation is,” and left it at that."
So, what was grandfatherly, innocent ole Lou really trying to say with such an odd allusion? The world may never know, for I'm pretty sure Lou himself doesn't.
However, in the interest of purely sensationlistic journalism, your sports wannabes have decided to try to piece together the six-degrees of separation between Adolf Hitler and Rich Rodriguez. Here goes. (Try to follow along.)
- Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany.
- Germany is stereotypically known for the raucous annual celebration of Octoberfest.
- Octoberfest is known for encouraging the enjoyment of beers--many, many beers.
- Beers are excellent adult beverages for roarin'-bitchin' parties!
- In 2007, The Princeton Review ranked West Virginia University as the number one party school in the entire nation.
- At the end of the 2007-08 season, a one Mr. Rich Rodriguez left WVU to become the head football coach at Michigan, which is now getting its blue-and-gold ass handed to it on the field each and every Saturday, much like what happened to Germany at the end of WWII.
I think the connection is now crystal clear for all of us. Or at least it should be.
Poor ole Lou wasn't too far off, at least in the completely illogical world of his own cerebral cavity.
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